Our first-born moved out in May. This was just about one month after my husband came home from a Catholic Men’s Conference in Oklahoma City and said, “We’re moving to Oklahoma!” This was one of the saddest parts about the move (before we actually moved). To recap, when my husband said we were moving, our…
Category: grief
What They Don’t Tell You About Moving
We officially moved! The exclamation is as if it’s been a happy move but to be honest, it hasn’t been. This has been one of the more difficult times of my life. I didn’t know what to expect, but I thought there would be more joy. It’s been a month since we made the move…
Chemical Pregnancy
I recently wrote about my miscarriage of my natural pregnancy at age 47. This type of miscarriage is often called a chemical pregnancy. I find this term perplexing and the friends I know who have been through a chemical pregnancy are left confused. I had never had a chemical pregnancy before but it’s worth discussing…
I’m Having a Miscarriage
It’s hard to believe that in my late 40’s I am pregnant. When I discovered my pregnancy, I did what most new pregnant mothers do, searched the internet for advice. I wasn’t searching for the latest in technologies, I was searching for stories about natural pregnancy at age 47. Unfortunately, most resources on the internet…
Donum Dignitatis: The Catholic’s Guide to Miscarriage
It’s finally happening, The Catholic’s Guide to Miscarriage is coming! I’m in the homestretch to completing this work. I can’t say it’s been a long time coming but it’s been in the making for over two years. Of course, the manuscript sat for quite some time until the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder…
He Would be 6 Today!
I treasured you from the very beginning and prayed you would live but after learning about your condition, I knew God had chosen me to carry you your whole life! I was chosen for YOU, Gus. I knew your name from day one. I think I knew you wouldn’t make it but I had no…
She Would be 11 Today!
It’s hard to believe I would have an 11 year old right now. A girl, approaching her teen years but I know if she was born, I likely wouldn’t have my other children. I think of her often still. I think about what she would be like and the things we would be doing together….
The Death of Suffering
WARNING: This is deep and is about abortion. It is not a popular opinion. “I chose to deliver Embree on April 25, 2016 via c-section. I chose late-term abortion. I did so because it was the only way I could hold my baby girl while she was still alive. It was the only way I…
Grieving Your Last Child
I thought I was done having children. I really did. After Gus died in 2015, we had decided that he would be our last. He was supposed to be our last anyway. He was supposed to be the child that brought three children to our kitchen table. I grieved his death but I grieved so…
What Does it Mean to Bring a Baby “Earthside” and Why it’s Offensive
It’s a term I have heard over and over. In fact, I have used the term in the past but now, I can no longer use the term. It’s offensive! It makes my stomach turn each time I hear it and it’s now considered a trigger. Earthside…or as most often used: “Bringing Baby Earthside.” A…