My article was finally released! The interview was a blessing and Makena wrote so eloquently about the first Catholic miscarriage book, Donum Dignitatis: The Catholic’s Guide to Miscarriage. I will admit I am nervous when interviews and articles come out. They open me up to criticism and I just don’t handle that well. I’m praying for God’s grace to get me through this and for the book to get into many hands. Catholic Vote also picked up on the article for the first Catholic miscarriage book!! I know there is another one coming out with an almost identical name. I’ll leave that story for another time.
So what is the first Catholic miscarriage book?
It’s an all-in-one guide on miscarriage for Catholic’s. It not only explains the physical process of miscarriage but helps the reader with the Catholic teaching on the subject. I’ve explained before that Catholic teaching on miscarriage is hard to find. Information is buried within encyclicals and statements by the Church Fathers. One priest explained that it’s not explicitly said so we have to find out what Scripture and Tradition say on similar matters in order to identify what would be true on this matter.
Yes, I know the title is Latin, but don’t let that scare you. There’s nothing Latin about the book. It’s a great guide for any Catholic woman enduring miscarriage. The first Catholic miscarriage book has even helped women who had past miscarriages. The book validated what they wanted to do (or had done) was in line with Catholic teaching. Since the book doesn’t discuss grief, I have begun a companion to the book. I can’t wait to release it!
I plan to have the companion book released within the next year, depending on my other projects. My vision for this new Catholic companion to miscarriage is to have meditations and scripture verses that help with the first 3-6 months after miscarriage. There is so much out there on stillbirth and infant loss. First trimester miscarriage losses may not resonate with stillbirth messages. My goal is to give us another resource for expressing our grief.
For now, please pick up the first Catholic miscarriage book on the market at your favorite online retailer. If you need to order in bulk, please contact me for those discounts. Here is the Amazon link to make it easy!