Written in October 2022. Published in 2023 I just completed the Three Hearts Pilgrimage in Hulbert, Oklahoma. It was truly amazing and a blessing. It’s hard to believe I would say that now as I recover from the toll it took on my unprepared body but I needed the mortification and this was exactly what…
Maternal Mortality in the US
USA Today published an article today entitled The Rate of Women Dying in Childbirth Surged by 40%. These Deaths are Preventable. Let’s talk about this because I was almost one of those statistics. But first things first. Ya’ll need to stop believing that the United States is immune to a high maternal mortality rate as…
Do you receive gifts or take them?
I’m in the middle of my first year of catechetical school and we are studying the Eucharist, also known as the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Communion, etc. About six years ago, I had no idea that the Eucharist was called the Blessed Sacrament. Looking back, it’s amazing to see how far I have come in my…
The Responsibilities of Being a Catholic Author
I’ve written several books and published them. I truly enjoy writing. All my books are meant to serve and help others but they are secular in nature. Becoming a “Catholic” author has been intimidating because I am held to a much higher standard. Actually, as an educator, God says that teachers are judged more strictly. “Let…
Donum Dignitatis: The Catholic’s Guide to Miscarriage
It’s finally happening, The Catholic’s Guide to Miscarriage is coming! I’m in the homestretch to completing this work. I can’t say it’s been a long time coming but it’s been in the making for over two years. Of course, the manuscript sat for quite some time until the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder…
Satan Despises Latin – Part II
In my last post, I ended with my opinion that if the Catholic Church returned to kneeling to receive the Eucharist, more people would come to believe in the Real Presence. I have heard that people haven’t always kneeled to receive the Eucharist. Fair enough…but there also wasn’t this crisis where people didn’t believe what…
Satan Despises Latin – Part I
I’ve heard this phrase many times. It’s one of the reasons people give to me to learn Latin and to pray in Latin. Exorcists seem to say this as well. Learning the prayers in Latin isn’t really that hard, but learning actual Latin can be much more difficult. I have pondered why I truly attend…
Idolatry Today
I just completed four years of Biblical School and received a Certificate in Biblical Studies. I never imagined I would read the entire Bible AND be able to understand it. While there is so much more to learn, I am grateful for what I know now. My eyes have been opened. We’re in the final…
The Formula Shortage
I can’t imagine being a new mother these days. You are scared to death that you or your baby will die from COVID and now you can’t feed your baby if you use formula. I can only wonder, is this more propaganda to get us to stop having babies?? Look, we are not overpopulated nor…
The Morning Prayers
About three months ago, I began to say the morning prayers. I had been thinking about it for about a year and I decided that I wanted to begin this “devotion” in mid-January to February. I don’t recall exactly when I began praying them but at first, it was a bit difficult. Mid-lent, I imagined…