I feel you move inside me all the time. You kick and roll and swipe and it is the most amazing feeling ever. Most days, I am in awe by your presence but some days, I fear you will be lost; as if you will dissipate into thin air. It’s like your soul will return to dust and you…
Why Must I Worry?
It must be because I am no longer working and have more time to chat on my forums but today, I ran across a post from a worried expectant mother and she now has me worried. Ugh! I seriously shouldn’t worry about this as there is nothing I can do. This goes back to an ultrasound I…
30 Weeks Pregnant!
I can’t believe I have made it to 30 weeks of pregnancy! I have been feeling better about the pregnancy although my largest fear is that my baby will still die. I know that because of my previous loss that this will always be a thought in the back of my mind. It certainly doesn’t…
Pregnancy Viability
Well, I have made it past the 24 week mark. I prayed and prayed to make it that far but does it really mean things are safer? I ask this question all the time. I am actually 27 weeks 3 days now. I feel my baby all day long which is great but I still…
Pregnancy After Miscarriage Continued
Week 19 I hear it is absolutely normal for women who have had a loss before, not to really bond with the baby. I was told the response is a defense mechanism; one that is supposed to protect from the severe devastation and grief experience of another loss. I can understand that but does my…
Pregnancy After Miscarriage
I never thought I would be in this position. I am now over 16 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby. Its exciting and scary to say the least. I think I have gotten through the hard part though. I also haven’t blogged since we made the announcement so I will back up for you a…
Big Fat Positive!
The anticipated blog is finally here! Yes. We are officially expecting! It’s been announced at many places and I feel pretty confident but it’s still early and I have had a loss so naturally, there is some anxiety over this pregnancy. I will say the anxiety is nothing like the anxiety I had during my…
Crazy Life!
I have been quite busy over the last few weeks. I am sure you have been wondering what I have been up to. Well, besides going back to work and being SUPER busy there, I have been going to school part-time (College Algebra), preparing for my amazing son’s 9th birthday, preparing for the “Walk to…
Something big!
While on convalescent leave, I took some time to ponder the last few years of my life and how different my dreams have become compared to what I thought they would be. Have you ever thought to yourself…how did I get here? Have you ever wondered about the things you stated to God in order…
Fertility Journey
I have come to a cross roads again on my journey to fertility. It’s now time to have my belly explored due to a pain near my ovary that I have had for years. So, Wednesday, I go under the knife. The laparoscopic knife that is. Laparoscopy, is a type of surgical procedure in which a…